#include "CirquePinnacle.h"
void PinnacleTouch::relativeModeConfig(bool taps = true, bool rotate90 = false, bool secondaryTap = true, bool intellimouse = false, bool glideExtend = false);

Configure settings specific to Relative mode (AKA Mouse mode) data reporting. This function only applies to PINNACLE_RELATIVE mode, otherwise if setDataMode() is given PINNACLE_ANYMEAS or PINNACLE_ABSOLUTE, then this function does nothing.

bool taps = true

Specifies if all taps should be reported (true) or not (false). Default is true. This affects secondaryTap option as well.

bool rotate90 = false

Specifies if the axis data is altered for 90 degree rotation before reporting it (essentially swaps the axis data). Default is false.

bool secondaryTap = true

Specifies if tapping in the top-left corner (depending on orientation) triggers the secondary button data. Defaults to true.

bool intellimouse = false

Specifies if the data reported includes a byte about scroll data. Default is false. This feature is always disabled if isHardConfigured() is true.

bool glideExtend = false

A patented feature that allows the user to glide their finger off the edge of the sensor and continue gesture with the touch event. Default is false. This feature is always disabled if isHardConfigured() is true.