#include "CirquePinnacle.h"
void PinnacleTouch::read(AbsoluteReport *report, bool readButtons = true);

This function will fetch touch (and button) event data from the Pinnacle ASIC (including empty packets on ending of a touch/button event). This function only applies to PINNACLE_ABSOLUTE mode, otherwise if setDataMode() is given PINNACLE_ANYMEAS or PINNACLE_RELATIVE, then this function does nothing.

AbsoluteReport *report

A reference pointer (declared variable of datatype AbsoluteReport) for storing the data that describes the touch (and button) event.

bool readButtons = true

A flag that can be used to skip reading the button data from the Pinnacle. The default (true) will read the button data and store it in the report object’s buttons attribute. This parameter is useful to speed up read operations when not using the Pinnacle’s button input pins.