#include "CirquePinnacle.h"
void PinnacleTouch::absoluteModeConfig(uint8_t zIdleCount = 30, bool invertX = false, bool invertY = false);

Configure settings specific to Absolute mode (reports axis positions). This function only applies to PINNACLE_ABSOLUTE mode, otherwise if setDataMode() is given PINNACLE_ANYMEAS or PINNACLE_RELATIVE, then this function does nothing.

uint8_t zIdleCount = 30

Specifies the number of empty packets (x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis are 0) reported (every 10 milliseconds) when there is no touch detected. Defaults to 30. This number is clamped to range [0, 255].

bool invertX = false

Specifies if the x-axis data is to be inverted before reporting it. Default is false.

bool invertY = false

Specifies if the y-axis data is to be inverted before reporting it. Default is false.