Arduino Support

This library was primarily written for the Arduino IDE. Therefore, it uses the SPI and I2C bus implementations from the Arduino framework (as provided by various board support – AKA “Arduino Cores”).

Using a non-default SPI or I2C bus

It is possible to use a specific SPI bus on boards that expose more than 1 SPI bus. As noted above, the SPIClass interface may vary depending on the targeted board.

The following code snippet exemplifies the necessary steps:

#include <CirquePinnacle.h>
#include <SPI.h>

#define SS_PIN 2
#define DR_PIN 7

SPIClass my_spi_obj; // (1)!

PinnacleTouchSPI trackpad(DR_PIN, SS_PIN);

void begin()
  while (!Serial) {
    // some boards need this for the prompts to show immediately after boot

  my_spi_obj.begin(); // (2)!

  if (!trackpad.begin(&my_spi_obj)) { // (3)!
    Serial.println(F("Cirque Pinnacle not responding!"));
    while (true) {} // hold program in infinite loop

  // continue program as usual...
  1. Instantiate a SPIClass object for use with a specific SPI bus.

  2. Initialize the SPI bus using SPIClass::begin() method. The arguments passed to this function may differ depending on the Arduino core used (for a certain family of boards).

    Developers are encouraged to identify the use of SPIClass::begin() (or any SPIClass::set<pin>()) as instructed by the utilized Arduino core’s SPI library.

  3. Pass a reference of the instantiated SPIClass object to PinnacleTouchSPI::begin().

It is possible to use a specific I2C bus on boards that expose more than 1 I2C bus. As noted above, the TwoWire interface may vary depending on the targeted board.

The following code snippet exemplifies the necessary steps:

#include <CirquePinnacle.h>
#include <Wire.h>

#define DR_PIN 7

TwoWire my_i2c_obj; // (1)!

PinnacleTouchI2C trackpad(DR_PIN);

void begin()
  while (!Serial) {
    // some boards need this for the prompts to show immediately after boot

  my_i2c_obj.begin(); // (2)!

  if (!trackpad.begin(&my_i2c_obj)) { // (3)!
    Serial.println(F("Cirque Pinnacle not responding!"));
    while (true) {} // hold program in infinite loop

  // continue program as usual...
  1. Instantiate a TwoWire object for use with a specific I2C bus.

  2. Initialize the I2C bus using TwoWire::begin() method. The arguments passed to this function may differ depending on the Arduino core used (for a certain family of boards).

    Developers are encouraged to identify the use of TwoWire::begin() (or any TwoWire::set<pin>()) as instructed by the utilized Arduino core’s I2C library.

  3. Pass a reference of the instantiated TwoWire object to PinnacleTouchI2C::begin().