#include "utility/template/i2c.h"
void cirque_pinnacle_arduino_wrappers::TwoWire::begin(uint8_t busNumber = PINNACLE_DEFAULT_I2C_BUS);

Initialize the I2C bus’ pins.

uint8_t busNumber = PINNACLE_DEFAULT_I2C_BUS

The I2C bus number as identified by the directory listing in /dev/i2c-*. For /dev/i2c-1, this parameter’s value should be 1. Defaults to 1, but the first Raspberry Pi board uses /dev/i2c-0.

Difference with mraa driver

If using the mraa driver, then this number is not guaranteed to coincide with the actual I2C bus number (/dev/i2c-<x>). See the MRAA source code for your platform to determine what number to use for which I2C bus.

For compatibility reasons, this parameter defaults to 0 when using the mraa driver.